Dentures & PartialsBensalem, PA

Are you missing all of your permanent teeth? Do you have an old set of dentures that need to be replaced? Receive new dentures and partials at Perfect Smiles in Bensalem, PA. Dentures are a restorative dentistry solution that can replace multiple missing teeth.

Partial dentures can restore rows of missing teeth, while full dentures can replace whole arches of teeth. Patients who have lost teeth due to an infection, accident, or genetics can restore the appearance and health of their smile with dentures. With this restoration, patients can renew their confidence in their smiles and enjoy speaking and eating comfortably.

Dentures in Bensalem, Pennsylvania

Types of Dentures

Traditional Dentures

Traditional dentures are probably what you think of when someone says the word “dentures.” They’re removable arches of teeth that rely on suction to stay in the mouth. Oftentimes, an adhesive is needed to help them stay in properly. Traditional dentures are the cheapest and quickest way to replace a full arch of missing teeth. Dentures have also come a long way in recent years. They’re less bulky, look more natural, and are more comfortable in your mouth.

However, traditional dentures still come with their drawbacks. They don’t replace the tooth roots of the teeth that they’re replacing. This means that the jawbone will continue to deteriorate over the years you have the dentures. You’ll most likely have to get them relined or replaced at least once in their lifetime, leading to additional costs in the future.

Traditional dentures don’t offer the stability that dental implants or implant-supported dentures can. You don’t get back 100% of your bite function. You have to worry about the dentures slipping or falling out when you’re eating or speaking. It also means that you’ll have to eliminate certain foods from your diet because you aren’t able to chew them with your dentures.

Lastly, removable dentures have some extra upkeep. You have to take them out overnight to give your gums a chance to rest and clean the dentures properly. Especially if you use adhesive, you must use denture cleaner to get rid of that at the end of the day. You’ll have to ensure you take care of your dentures properly, even when you’re traveling or on the road.

Implant-Supported Dentures

We recommend implant-supported dentures to any eligible patients. They cost more upfront, and they take longer to get because there’s a surgical component. The implant posts are surgically placed in your jaw, and you need to give them time to heal before you can get your final restoration. However, they come with many benefits that offset this cost and inconvenience.

First, implant dentures replace the tooth roots. They spur jawbone regeneration, so you don’t have to worry about the fit of your dentures changing over time. Though they have a higher cost upfront, you shouldn’t experience extra costs in the future. Because of their stability, they give you back 100% of your bite function. You don’t have to worry about them slipping or falling out, and you can eat whatever you want to.

They don’t have any extra upkeep, either. They always stay in, and you don’t have to take them out and clean them. You simply brush and floss them like you would your normal teeth.

Treatment with Dentures

Before treatment, we always make sure that our patients are in good oral and physical health. We will address any problems with bone grafting, dental extractions, or periodontal therapy to ensure the health of the teeth and gums. If you are receiving traditional dentures, we will first take a scan of your teeth. This scan is sent to a dental lab, where technicians craft the dentures out of resin.

Patients who receive implants to secure their dentures typically have a longer treatment time but are a more permanent restoration. Our dentists will also scan the mouth before the implant procedure in order to fabricate the denture prosthetic.  To begin implant treatment, an oral surgeon inserts implant posts into the jaw bone tissue. Over their healing period, the implants will fuse with the jaw bone. Once the dental implants are stable, we will attach the dentures.

Dentures and Partials Frequently Asked Questions

How many teeth do you have left for a partial denture?

Partial dentures come into play when you’ve lost some of your natural teeth but not all. There’s no magic number. It’s more about the location and health of the remaining teeth. The remaining teeth act as supports for the denture. Your dentist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine if partial dentures suit you.

How long do implant dentures last?

Implant dentures can last a long time with proper care. The prosthetic teeth (dentures) might need replacement or adjustment every 5 to 15 years due to normal wear and tear. However, the metal implant can last over 20 years or even a lifetime. It’s important to follow good oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups to extend the lifespan of your implant dentures.

Can you eat food with a partial denture?

Yes, you can eat food with a partial denture. It might require some adjustments initially. It’s advisable to start with soft foods cut into small pieces. You can gradually introduce harder foods as you adjust to the denture. However, you might still need to avoid certain tough or sticky foods to prevent dislodging or damaging the denture. Remember, proper care and regular check-ups can help maintain the functionality of your partial denture.

How does a partial denture stay in place?

A partial denture stays in place with the help of metal clasps or precision attachments that secure it to your remaining natural teeth. The denture also relies on the support of the gum tissue and the jawbone underneath. The design ensures a snug fit around these structures for stability. Combining these elements helps keep the partial denture securely in place while you speak or eat.

Can you leave partial dentures in all the time?

While you can wear partial dentures throughout the day, most dentists do not recommend it. You should remove dentures at night to give your gums and other oral tissues rest and time to recover. Also, nighttime is the perfect time to clean your dentures to maintain good oral hygiene. Please keep them in water or a denture-cleaning solution to prevent them from drying out.

Are implant-supported dentures better?

Implant-supported dentures offer advantages over traditional dentures. They provide a more secure and comfortable fit, allowing for better chewing and speaking. They can also help maintain jawbone health by stimulating, similar to natural teeth roots. This reduces the risk of bone loss. However, they require a surgical procedure and might only be the best option for some patients. Your dentist will help determine which type of denture suits your needs and health status.

Schedule a Dental Appointment

Do you want to restore your smile? Receive a full or partial denture today. Call Perfect Smiles for a professional dental consultation at 215-770-1081. You may also request a dental appointment with us online.